The Sabbath is the great day for gathering in souls—it is Christ’s market-day.
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Oh, what a reason is here for seeking an early in-bringing to Christ! If you are not saved in youth, it is likely you never will.There is a tide in the affairs of souls. There are times which may be called converting times. All holy times are peculiarly converting times. The Sabbath is the great day for gathering in souls—it is Christ’s market-day. It is the great harvest-day of souls. I know there is a generation rising up that would fain trample the Sabbath beneath their feet; but prize you the Sabbath-day. The time of affliction is converting time. When God takes away those you love best, and you say, “This is the finger of God,” remember it is Christ wanting to get in to save you: open the door and let him in. The time of the striving of the Holy Spirit is converting time. If you feel your heart pricked in reading the Bible, or in hearing your teacher, “quench not the Spirit;” “resist not the Holy Ghost;” “grieve not the Holy Spirit of God.” Youth is converting time. “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.” Oh, you that are lambs, seek to be gathered with the arm of the Saviour, and carried in his gentle bosom. Come to trust under the Saviour’s wings. “Yet there is room.”
McCheyne, R. M. (1848). The Works of the Late Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne (Vol. 1, pp. 317–318). New York: Robert Carter.