Faith is the master-wheel, it sets all the other graces a-running.
Thomas Watson
A. 2. In its having influence upon all the graces, and setting them a-work, not a grace stirs till faith set it a-work. As the clothier sets the poor a-work, he sets their wheel a-going: faith sets hope a-work. The heir must believe his title to an estate in reversion before he can hope for it; faith believes its title to glory, and then hope waits for it. Did not faith feed the lamp of hope with oil, it would soon die. Faith, sets love a-work, Gal. 5:6., “Faith which worketh by love;” believing the mercy and merit of Christ causeth a flame of love to ascend. Faith sets patience a-work, Heb. 6:12, “Be followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promise.’ Faith believes the glorious rewards given to suffering. This makes the soul patient in suffering. Thus faith is the master-wheel, it sets all the other graces a-running.
Watson, T. (1855). The Select Works of the Rev. Thomas Watson, Comprising His Celebrated Body of Divinity, in a Series of Lectures on the Shorter Catechism, and Various Sermons and Treatises (p. 145). New York: Robert Carter & Brothers.