Be under God’s sunshine, that he may melt thy heart.
Richard Sibbes
Secondly, If thou wilt have this tender and melting heart, then use the means; be always under the sunshine of the gospel. Be under God’s sunshine, that he may melt thy heart; be constant in good means; and help one another. ‘We must provoke one another daily, lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin,’ Heb. 3:13. Physicians love not to give physic to themselves. So a man is not always fit to help himself when he is not right; but good company is fit to do it. ‘Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked with us?’ said the two disciples, holding communion each with other at Emmaus, Luke 24:32. For then Christ comes and makes a third, joins with them, and so makes their hearts burn within them. So Christ saith, ‘Where two or three are met together in his name, he is in the midst of them,’ Mat. 18:20. Now they were under the promise, therefore he affords his presence. Where two hold communion together, there Christ will make a third. Therefore let us use the help of others, seeing David could not recover himself, being a prophet, but he must have a Nathan to help him, 2 Sam. 12:7. Therefore if we would recover ourselves from hard and insensible hearts, let us use the help one of another.
Sibbes, R. (1863). The Complete Works of Richard Sibbes. (A. B. Grosart, Ed.) (Vol. 6, p. 41). Edinburgh; London; Dublin: James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; W. Robertson.