As Adam had a world made for him, so shall Jesus Christ, this second Adam.
Thomas Goodwin
As Adam had a world made for him, so shall Jesus Christ, this second Adam,—Adam being a type of him that was to come,—have a world made for him. This world was not good enough for him; he hath a better appointed than that which old Adam had, a new heaven and a new earth, according to the promise, Isa. 66:22, where the saints shall reign. ‘Thou hast made us kings and priests, and we shall reign on earth.’ And this world he hath not subjected unto angels; no, there are none of those principalities and powers in it, or shall be in it, when it cometh to its perfection.
Goodwin, T. (1861). The works of Thomas Goodwin (Vol. 1, p. 510). Edinburgh: James Nichol.
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