Posts Tagged: Stephen Charnock
How unworthy is it for dust and ashes, kneaded together in time, to strut against the Father of eternity! Much more unworthy for that which is nothing, worse than nothing, to quarrel with that which is only being, and equal himself with him that inhabits eternity.
Stephen Charnock
God is the most simple being; for that which is first in nature, having nothing beyond it, cannot by any means be thought to be compounded.
Stephen Charnock
It is impossible to honour God as we ought, unless we know him as he is.
Stephen Charnock
Jesus Christ came not to make us scholars in naturals, but to endue us with such a knowledge as is in order to eternal happiness, and with such a renewing principle as might make us capable of heaven.
Stephen Charnock
The whole work of regeneration, and conversion, and sanctification, and the efficacy of the death of Christ in the soul, consists in these two things: a taking us off from self, and pitching us upon God and Christ as our end. The terminus a quo is self, the terminus ad quem is Christ.
Stephen Charnock
Let us delight in the knowledge of Christ crucified, and be often in the thoughts and study of him. Study Christ, not only as living, but dying; not as breathing in our air, but suffering in our stead; know him as a victim, which is the way to know him as a conqueror. Christ as crucified is the great object of faith.
Stephen Charnock
Whatsoever is not God, is temporary; whatsoever is eternal, is God.
Stephen Charnock
A man may be theologically knowing and spiritually ignorant.
Stephen Charnock
God is a Spirit infinitely happy, therefore we must approach to him with cheerfulness.
Stephen Charnock